Quasi-many-body localization of interacting fermions with long-range couplings


A number of experimental platforms for quantum simulations of disordered quantum matter, from dipolar systems to trapped ions, involve degrees of freedom which are coupled by power-law decaying hoppings or interactions, yet the interplay of disorder and interactions in these systems is far less understood than in their short-ranged counterpart. Here, we consider a prototype model of interacting fermions with disordered long-ranged hoppings and interactions and use the flow equation approach to map out its dynamical phase diagram as a function of hopping and interaction exponents. We demonstrate that the flow equation technique is ideally suited to problems involving long-range couplings due to its ability to accurately simulate very large system sizes. We show that at large on-site disorder and for short-range interactions, a transition from a delocalized phase to a quasi-many-body localized (MBL) phase exists as the hopping range is decreased. This quasi-MBL phase is characterized by intriguing properties such as a set of emergent conserved quantities which decay algebraically with distance. Surprisingly, we find that a crossover between delocalized and quasi-MBL phases survives even in the presence of long-range interactions.

In Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043368 (2020)
Dr Steven J. Thomson
Dr Steven J. Thomson
EPSRC Open Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Theoretical quantum condensed matter physicist, currently an EPSRC Open Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.
